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Holistic Health & Wellness Coach


Diet Drinks

June 2013


Recently, while teaching a workshop, one of the students asked, “what is so wrong with drinking soda”.  I paused and asked her “what is so right about drinking soda”.  She was silent.  I allowed her a long pause to process the question.  When she broke the silence she said quietly, “I don’t know.”

We all know there is nothing healthy about drinking soda pop.  The “regular” soda has high amounts of sugar which has been proven over and over again to be extremely taxing on the human body.  From internal and vascular inflammation to insulin resistance – just the alarming amount of sugar is enough to say STOP!  But when you think about the ingredients – most of which we cannot pronounce let alone identify what chemical it is – that’s when we realize that soda is full of stuff and none of it is natural or healthy!.

Diet soda is even worse.  YES, even worse than the sugared stuff.  The body believes the sweetness is caused by sugar thus it responds by releasing insulin.  But guess what??  NO sugar.  So what happens to all the insulin?  The body has to figure out what to do with it. And that’s a damaging task.   In the mean time, there is an artificial sweetener running through the blood stream and now the liver has to figure out what to do with that!

How much toxic chemicals (called soda pop) do we have to consume before we realize the body is not designed to digest or assimilate it?  How do we expect our body to rise up to the challenges of all we want/need to do when we fuel it with chemicals the body can’t utilize but must also find a way to cleanse those same chemicals out.   And when will we stop serving soda to our children?

Schools districts who have removed the soda from their vending machines and filled them with water instead, found the students and staff had more consistent energy levels, more focus and less disciplinary issues.   Hummm….  Still want to drink that soda?


Conscious Eating – VoiceAmerica Radio

Original flu shotDo you wander through your day stuffing food into your mouth, sometimes without even knowing what or why you are eating? Are your eating patterns rote, mundane or just unconscious? Move into conscious eating! Discover the world of Bio-Individuality. Are you just confused by all of the nutrition information in the general media theses days? Our guest, Barbette Spitler, will discuss the energy of food and the impact of our food choices on our entire being. Barbette will give us eight steps to better health through nutrition and conscious food choices.

Barbette Spitler understands a deeper connection with people and animals. She can sense their ailments, pain, and emotional issues. Shortly after becoming an RN and Paramedic, she discovered she has a natural ability to help others. Barbette developed a passion for disease prevention and health promotion. She shares her life’s work by integrating her experiences of nursing and emergency care with Energy Medicine, nutrition, and other healing techniques. Her practice is based on the implementation of holistic therapies, energy medicine, and the maintenance of proper nutritional support to balance the mind, body and spirit. Integrating holistic care with medical care, as needed, she combines the best of both worlds and empowers the receiver to take charge of their bodies, their environment, and their health and healing. Barbette teaches classes, presents workshops and speaks internationally throughout the year. She is also available for private consultation.

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What is Energy Healing? Voice America Radio Show

Barbette SpitlerAre we more than just a physical being? Of course we are! Join this lively discussion with Barbette Spitler for education and guidance in the world of Energy Healing. As a Spiritual and Medical Intuitive, Barbette brings a unique perspective to the understanding of the interaction of energy and our environment, thoughts, and relationships. Not just the basics, but also a suggestion as to how you might integrate energy healing into your total wellness practice to create your optimal state of health and well- being.

Listen to this episode now…

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